The Artists.

Luis Jiménez

Jiménez is an artist who believes in the self-realization of being. He has a special connection with meditation, which he feels guides his creative process. Blending a distinct personal style with hints of eccentricity, the pieces pay homage to his ancestors and homeland traditions.


Mexican painter, meditation monk, architect and awkward winker. Every brushstroke holds a clue illuminating the path of any soul. My art serves as a gentle reminder that life can be a celebration, and we are all interconnected. It nudges us to embrace existence wholeheartedly.

Hampton Rodríguez

The focus of my work captures the idiosyncratic culture of Portland’s diverse neighborhoods; the cadence of people’s lives there, the scenes of cultural clashes, Urban vs. Rural.  And the development of images that tap into shared concepts and feelings.

Miguel Ángel

Artist of South American origin. Works with murals, acrylic, charcoal and ink. His works starts from the origin of the simple and with that he tries to do something special. His work revolves around female faces and the eyes are very important for him because he says eyes are the window to the soul.

Adelina Ruvalcaba

Adelina Ruvalcaba is a current Merit Scholar at Willamette University PNCA. She is working towards her MFA in Visual Studies with the intention of becoming an art professor. Adelina’s art explores the delicate relationship between mental health, eating disorders, and the physical body. She strives to give human sensations a physical, tangible form.